Tuesday, November 6, 2012

All Cracked-Up

Ashley G

Professor Zoller

Life Narratives


Response to “The Crack- Up” by F. Scott Fitzgerald

                In this essay Fitzgerald speaks about a time in his life when he came to dislike most people and most things that had previously made him happy. He says that he suddenly realized it one day after two years of this behavior. He spent a great portion of those two years secluding himself from other people. I’m sure that many people have read this essay and been confused. Strangely enough, I think I can relate. I am by my very nature a reasonably introverted person, this may confuse some people. Over the years I’ve developed a very sturdy façade to use in social situations that I cannot escape from. It is easy for me to be in social situations but at some point I need a break, the socializing and other people make me tired. Fitzgerald had his “crack-up” after hearing some bad news at the doctor. His new behavior was a way to cover up his inner feelings of fear. He “cracked- up” in response to something traumatic; I seclude myself when I encounter social situations that become exasperating for me. So I understand, at some smaller level, how Fitzgerald felt and why he did what he did.        

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