Monday, September 17, 2012

Circus Girl

Ashley G
Professor Zoller
Life Narratives
Response to “The Ring of Time” by E.B. White

                I think that the main point that E.B White is trying to get across in his narrative, The Ring of Time, is that no matter how much we want it to stop, time moves on. At the beginning of the essay, White tells the story of a girl who is a performer at a circus and whom he sees riding a horse. The circus girl performs various tricks on the horse while trotting around a circular ring and White comments that the girl has no grasp on time. He believes that the girls goes around the track and does not realize that time is passing. She is absorbed in her activity and in her youth. White remarks that, “The only sense that is common… is the sense of change- and we all instinctively avoid it, and object to the passage of time, and would rather have none of it.” In connection to his narrative about the circus girl, White seems to say that all people entertain puerile thoughts of wishing to stop time. The very title of the narrative, The Ring of Time is a reference to the circus girl and how she continued to go around the track, satisfied to believe that she would always be going around the track, that she would always be as happy as she was in that moment. White is saying that we all struggle with wanting a “ring of time;” we all, at some point in our lives, want to remain as we are. 

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