Tuesday, October 2, 2012

De Gustibus

Ashley G.

Professor Zoller

Life Narratives


Response to “An Entrance to the Woods” by Wendell Berry

                I am not a “campy” person. If I walked through a patch of poison ivy, I would have no idea; if I had to pitch a tent I would probably end up sleeping outside. Needless to say, when I think of the woods I think of a dirty, damp, inhospitable place. I went camping once when I was a kid but that time I was in my uncles RV.

                Wendell Berry obviously likes camping and he speaks of technologically advances civilization like a curse. He comments that life moves too fast there. Berry sees the beauty of nature and enjoys his time there. Born and raised a suburbanite I can’t say that I agree or disagree fully with Berry. Yes I can see the beauty of nature as part of God’s creation. I see flowers and trees and leaves and think that they are beautiful. But just don’ expect me to go out into God’s creation and fully like it. If you dropped me out in the middle of nowhere (and no my college campus doesn’t actually count) and expected me to be happy about it I would probably gripe and complain. I did the whole summer camp thing when I was a kid; I didn’t really like it then and I really don’t like it now. I am reminded of a common Latin phrase, de gustibus non est disputandum, which translates roughly as "to each his own." Berry is entitled to go running around the woods but leave me to my cozy, clean home far away.   

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